Basically, her birthday 'celebration' started last sunday! Haha....Her friend who is working in Mildura now, came back to Adelaide last sunday... so she brought YL out for dinner!
Then, in Melbourne, another friend of hers celebrated for her again..haha...
and on Friday night, Shin Hong spent her Japanese food!
On the actual day, Amrit cook her some indian food and brought it over to our place and we had a small celebration at home.
YL, the birthday girl herself spent us pizza, some drinks and some chips! Actually she wanted to buy her own birthday cake (typical YL^^), but then i already bought it on friday and hid in the fridge...so i panicked and quickly asked Amrit to lie to her that she had already bought it! Haha...
After the small celebration at home, we went for dinner with my bunch of friends and dessert after that! ^^
And this morning, she received a chocolate cupcake from my friend! Haha...
So, that's how we celebrated her birthday this year!! Is like a festival which lasted for a week...haha...^^
Happy 23rd Birthday to you!!^^
Hope that you enjoyed your 'festival' this year!