Sunday, September 30, 2007


i'm swooning over the latest iphone!!

so i enlisted our Mr Ding's help in getting me one!! heh... though i heard tat its bad.... hahaha but its realli a darn pretty phone bwahhhh hahahaha... i saw my cousin's one.. my mom's side one la.... he has one n its damm pretty!! eeeeeksss.. so i tink i'm gonna get it.. UNLESS THERE'S REALLI SUPER UBER BAD REVIEW... chun tat tell me bout it!!!

ok... ahh had a tiring saturday... my mom's dad aka grandfather is in hospital now.. so everyday we're goin to hospital n such... sigh old age realli makes me sad la.. how i wish i dun grow old!!!

ahhhh... ok monday bluessss.. i'm starting to feel it... ahhhhh.. i hate it

ok i'm off


Anonymous said...

Hah, so now you're swwwonning over an iphone right now la! haha.
Ya, it looks really nice, sleek and realll shiny, a state of the art phone eh.. haha
i saw a few reviews bout it also, it is not that good but not that bad either, right in the middle i think.. but it sure does looks pretty..

Anonymous said...

yesssss u wanna get it too anot!! heh

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for one to drop down from the sky right now.. hahahaha